Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Your Marketing Sucks!

OK before you hit the un-subscribe button and hate me or even swear. Just humour me for 10 minutes and don't miss our new Manitoba1000 members below it's a hatrick I am featuring this week and we have many more new members already but you will only give me 10 minutes of your time so I kept it to 3 for this week.

Why does your marketing suck?

Unless your marketing budget and results are measured by RIO and it's making you money not costing you it SUCKS!

Marketing means ROI full stop.

So many times I hear business owners tell me I have a friend of a friend who does website design. Great but will he or she make you money. Do they understand a balance sheet, cash flow or how important making new sales is. No but you get sold on the we can do a nice design it will look nice and fluffy.

Here is another classic I have been challenged with a few times, Neil you didn't focus on design in your presentation. The company after you talked so much about design. Website Designs alone do not make your business money when it comes to the Internet. Winning awards against my peers will not make your business marketing budget effective.

Don't get me wrong the design of a website, brochure or any marketing material has to match the brand expectations but next time you get a marketer/advertiser selling you something ask them - will you make money? We all know what the answer will be.

Would you install a telephone line that might work, or buy a mobile that might work? No, so why even consider a website or marketing strategy for your business that won't make you money.

The Internet is and will remain your most valuable company asset for new sales. If your website or even your marketing is not giving you a ROI it SUCKS!

Put Manitoba1000 to the challenge. We promise to provide you a RIO. In English we will make you money over and beyond what you spend with us to manage your Internet marketing!

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