Friday, October 23, 2009

Neil Patel Winnipeg and not sleeping!

Did not sleep and in the office for 5:34am wondering why did I have a sleepless night and why do we do this to our selves. Watched boring TV and thought about how do we exceed sales targets for the 9th month in a row, how can we do better for our clients and what others sales lead strategy can we invent.

Then in a flash my thoughts went to my first parents evening which is tonight. Yes our twins Mackenzie and Issabella start nursery next week at Balmoral Hall and we have our first parents evening which made me think wow. We have come such a long way, we were told over two and half years ago that our girls had a 30% chance of survival. They were born premature at 27 weeks, and each weighed 1.8lb.

First day of life!


First day in our world


Fast forward and they are starting nursery and not a single complication and they are strong intelligent girls. Since we have had our third daughter Amelia who was born in Winnipeg and weighed over 6lbs. The funny part was every baby born that day weighed almost double Amelia’s weight and the doctor said she is small. You can imagine what me and Nina thought no she is BIG.

Every one keeps telling us it take two to tango which is true we both have played a role in supporting our kids to grow and prosper but I have to say Nina has been amazing in every way. She deserves all the credit and I am sure I do not say this enough but she is the most amazing women in the world. It would be impossible to put in words how much and what she does do make our home a happy home…… We all love you Nina.

Why I had a sleepless night was a combination of reasons but most of all I think the need is to make sure I provide the best for my family. We are all motivated for different reasons we all have sleepless nights over different subjects. As we grow older those reasons change and most of my reasons have been different until today.

Healthy Happy Girls

Being responsible for yourself is never easy but being responsible for your family is the toughest job in the w

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