Friday, October 23, 2009

Tips for businesses in Winnipeg and Portland to make their sites search engine friendly

Each business in Winnipeg and Portland has its own unique facet, special ability, and domain expertise. In an effort to capture its core from the search engine perspective, every business owner will probably think of numerous words.

It is important to select keywords carefully, spread them judiciously and use them wisely across the website. The keywords most critical to your site should be there in ‘meta title’ of each of your pages’. The ‘meta title’, as you would be aware, appears at the top of the browser window, just above the menu bar.

The keywords should regularly surface throughout the landing page, or opening Web page. They should frequently appear in the opening paragraph. However, the temptation to overuse keywords should be avoided. The practice known as keyword stuffing can be spotted by search engines. They will immediately penalize your site and reduce its rankings.

An array of tools is available to work out optimal keyword density. We advise website owners to desist from using software, which writes the site’s pages because search engines can easily sniff them out.

Here’s another of the SEO golden rule: Never compromise on content quality for random keyword placement. This will not only harm affect the content flow, but also have a negative impact on your Web page rankings.

If your site lacks qualitative content, it won’t attract visitors irrespective of SEO and keyword selection strategies. Ideally, the tricky task is better left to experts, who will work out the best approach. They would pick a permutation and combination of different ‘searchable’ words for different Web pages even while maintaining the content quality.

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