Last week someone asked me to help them with growing their business through the web (put up or shut up, to quote them directly). They have heard over and over again that the web will help them grow their sales, but so far they had not seen the benefit even with a website they had done a few years ago (NOT Webidiotz, I add).
With that request in mind, this week I will put up and help ten businesses grow their online sales by personally guiding their growth in the next 12 months.

My challenge
There are many stages of an economic recession. The first is overconfidence: "We're busy as bees. There can't be a slowdown." Then comes denial: "Nah, things are fine here" (this is also known as bending the truth, especially popular among entrepreneurs who are strung out on credit).
Next is the blame phase: "We wouldn't even be having this recession if it weren't for (pick two: the wars, banks, the government, or anyone else you can blame )."
Right now I think we're in the fourth phase where everyone asks everyone else, "What are you hearing? What are you seeing?" This is the "What the hell is going on?" phase, in which people tire of listening to the learned economists. They try to divine the future by consulting other business owners, which is only partly effective, since they're all bending the truth anyway.
The Chinese proverb "May you live in interesting times" must have been coined in a business climate similar that of today. The credit crunch and its reverberations are being widely felt, nowhere moreso than in smaller organizations that have fewer marketing resources than the big boys.
Businesses need help to navigate these tricky economic waters while staying focused on profitable expansion rather than contraction. If you can grow in these times, you will emerge on the other side of the economic crisis ahead of the competition.
Here are five of my ideas on how to grow your business during the next twelve months:
1. Create a weekly newsletter updating your old and new customers about you; what you are up to? What’s the latest topic in your industry? How you are helping the community?
2. Blog once a week and deep link your blog to 5 social conversations on the net every week.
3. Create a Facebook/Twitter business page and get friends and family to help promote your business.
4. Ask your customers what they love and hate about you.
5. Make your website perform sales 24 hours a day.
6. Extra one: for my next 10 clients.
Ok, yes, it’s easier said than done but it’s better than waiting for the economy to change or feeling lost because you just don’t know what to do next.
So here is my challenge: the next 10 clients that order their website from Webidiotz will get my services free of charge for one year. For the next 12 months, I will offer coaching and mentorship that will support the implementation of the above strategies and I will personally oversee the challenge of growing your business.
What I promise is simple: together we will grow your business without fail. We will use all the resources that we have available and set up weekly and monthly goals in order to grow your business all for the cost of a new website.
CALL 1-888-211-8133 NOW to reserve your place and challenge me to grow your business.
Neil Patel, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada